FAQ-109. What is the purpose of the Hourly De-Rating Factors posted to the Monthly Data page of the BGS Auction website.
Generally, the load data on the BGS Data Room is at the wholesale level. All hourly load data series include applicable transmission as well as distribution losses. However, hourly load data must be adjusted by the Hourly De-Rating Factors in order to achieve settlement loads. Hourly De-Rating Factors are used for settlement purposes per PJM’s implementation of its marginal loss methodology. For information about PJM’s implementation of its marginal loss methodology, please contact PJM.
1/23/2025, in
FAQ-108. Can you please confirm that ACE’s RSCP-Eligible Peak Load Allocation (“PLA”) data is correct?
ACE has confirmed the data provided is accurate.
1/17/2025, in
FAQ-107. When does the RPS example get posted to the Additional Data page of the BGS Auction website?
An updated RPS example is expected to be posted prior to the 2025 BGS Auctions. The Auction Manager will send an announcement once the updated example has been posted to the BGS Auction website.
1/17/2025, in
Renewable Portfolio Standards.
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FAQ-106. What are the capacity proxy prices for the 2025 BGS-RSCP Auction? Are these values expected to change?
As approved by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (“BPU” or the “Board”) on November 21, 2024, BGS-RSCP suppliers will receive adjustments to the payments for capacity for the 2026/2027 and 2027/2028 delivery years in the event that the capacity charges for these delivery years are not known prior to the 2025 BGS-RSCP Auction. These calculations are fully described in the Supplements to the BGS-RSCP Supplier Master Agreement. The BPU Order approving the 2025 BGS Auction Process can be found on the BGS Orders page of the BGS Auction website.
If the capacity charge for the 2026/2027 delivery year is not known at least five (5) business days prior to the start of the Auction, in the period from June 1, 2026 and May 31, 2027, an EDC’s BGS-RSCP supplier will receive payment (or will be charged) based on the difference between the capacity price paid by the BGS-RSCP supplier for that EDC and the capacity proxy price approved by the Board for the same EDC. The method approved by the Board for determining the capacity proxy prices for the 2026/2027 delivery year is to set the capacity proxy prices for the 2026/2027 delivery year equal to $270.35/MW-day, the Base Residual Auction results for the 2025/2026 delivery year, for all the EDCs. If the capacity charge for the 2027/2028 delivery year is not known at least five (5) business days prior to the start of the Auction, in the period from June 1, 2027 and May 31, 2028, an EDC’s BGS-RSCP supplier will receive payment (or will be charged) based on the difference between the capacity price paid by the BGS-RSCP supplier for that EDC and the capacity proxy price approved by the Board for the same EDC. The method approved by the Board for determining the capacity proxy prices for the 2027/2028 delivery year is to set the capacity proxy prices for the 2027/2028 delivery year equal to $270.35/MW-day, the Base Residual Auction results for the 2025/2026 delivery year, for all the EDCs.
At this time, the capacity charges for the 2026/2027 and 2027/2028 delivery years are not expected to be known at least five (5) business days prior to the 2025 BGS-RSCP Auction. As such, the value of the capacity proxy price for the 2026/2027 delivery year, as approved by the BPU, is $270.35/MW-day, and the value of the capacity proxy price for the 2027/2028 delivery year, as approved by the BPU, is $270.35/MW-day. The Auction Manager will reconfirm the values of the capacity proxy prices for the 2026/2027 and 2027/2028 delivery years no later than five (5) business days prior to the BGS-RSCP Auction.
The BGS Supplier Master Agreement makes the BGS Supplier responsible for legislative changes that are in effect during the term of the contract. If you have any questions concerning the legal standing of the Board Order and the possibility that such an Order will be overturned, we strongly advise that you consult with counsel qualified to make such assessment. It is not the role of the EDCs or the BGS Auction Manager to provide a legal interpretation of the Board Orders for bidders and we cannot speak to the future actions of the Board or the legislature. It is entirely up to each bidder to come to its own determination.
1/17/2025, in
FAQ-105. Can the EDCs provide data quantifying the difference between the Preliminary Monthly Energy Allocation and the Final Monthly Energy Allocation?
This data is not made available on the BGS Auction website.
1/17/2025, in
FAQ-104. Can you please confirm that ACE’s CIEP-Eligible Peak Load Allocation (“PLA”) data is correct?
ACE has confirmed that the CIEP-Eligible Peak Load Allocation data provided is accurate.
1/17/2025, in
FAQ-103. What should we include in the beneficiary block of the Pre-Auction Letters of Credit?
The beneficiary block of the BGS-RSCP and BGS-CIEP Pre-Auction Letters of Credit should contain the following information:
To: the Electric Distribution Companies (“EDCs”)
c/o NERA Economic Consulting (“NERA”)
BGS Auction Manager
Via email: BGS-Auction@nera.com
Please see the Contract and Credit page of the ''bidder info" tab of the auction website for the Final Pre-Auction Letter of Credit for BGS-RSCP Bidders, Final Pre-Auction Letter of Credit for BGS-CIEP Bidders, and Final Acceptable Modifications to these documents.
1/14/2025, in
Pre-Auction Security.
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FAQ-102. Can you please provide beneficiary contact information for purposes of preparing the BGS-RSCP Pre-Auction Letter of Credit and BGS-CIEP Pre-Auction Letter of Credit?
Beneficiary contact information for the BGS-RSCP Pre-Auction Letter of Credit and BGS-CIEP Pre-Auction Letter of Credit is available from the BGS Auction Manager upon request. Please send your request via email to BGS-Auction@nera.com.
1/8/2025, in
Pre-Auction Security.
FAQ-101. How should the Letter of Reference be submitted?
The Letter of Reference is submitted only via electronic means. The two portions of the Letter of Reference, the statement from the bank and the certification from the Qualified Bidder, may be submitted together in one document or separately in two documents. The statement from the bank must be submitted as an electronic PDF file only via electronic means to the BGS Auction Manager at BGS-Auction@nera.com.
The certification from the Qualified Bidder can be completed with a digital signature (using commercially available software such as DocuSign) and submitted via email to the BGS Auction Manager at BGS-Auction@nera.com or by upload to the online Part 2 Application Form with an accompanying document or information verifying the identity of the signatory. Alternatively, the certification from the Qualified Bidder can be completed with a scanned wet signature or an electronic signature (such as an image of a signature) and submitted via email to the BGS Auction Manager at BGS-Auction@nera.com by the signatory or with the signatory on copy.
Revised 1-9-2025
1/8/2025, in
Pre-Auction Security.
FAQ-100. Who can sign the certification from the Qualified Bidder in the Letter of Reference?
The certification from the Qualified Bidder in the Letter of Reference can be completed by any authorized signatory of the Qualified Bidder. The certification does not need to be signed by the individual executing the BGS-RSCP Supplier Master Agreement on behalf of the Qualified Bidder.
1/8/2025, in
Pre-Auction Security.
FAQ-99. When is the BGS Data Room updated?
Data on the Monthly Data page of the BGS Auction site is updated on or before the 17th of each month. Data series provided on the Additional Data page of the BGS Auction website are updated less frequently. The data provided in the BGS Data Room represents the most up-to-date data available.
1/7/2025, in
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FAQ-98. Is additional pre-auction security required to participate in the BGS-CIEP Auction?
A Qualified Bidder in the BGS-CIEP Auction is not required to provide additional pre-auction security in the form of a letter of intent to provide a guaranty or a letter of reference.
1/6/2025, in
Pre-Auction Security.
FAQ-97. What amount of pre-auction security should be issued in order to be eligible to bid on the maximum number of tranches available in the BGS-RSCP and BGS-CIEP Auctions?
For the BGS-CIEP Auction, the BGS-CIEP Pre-Auction Letter of Credit must be in an amount of $375,000 per tranche of the Qualified Bidder’s indicative offer at the maximum starting price. To be eligible to bid on the maximum number of tranches available in the BGS-CIEP Auction, the BGS-CIEP Pre-Auction Letter of Credit must be in the amount of $6,000,000.
For the BGS-RSCP Auction, the BGS-RSCP Pre-Auction Letter of Credit must be in an amount of $500,000 per tranche of the Qualified Bidder’s indicative offer at the maximum starting price. To be eligible to bid on the maximum number of tranches available in the BGS-RSCP Auction, the BGS-RSCP Pre-Auction Letter of Credit must be in the amount of $10,000,000.
If a Qualified Bidder in the BGS-RSCP Auction is required to provide additional pre-auction security in the form of a letter of intent to provide a guaranty or a letter of reference, it must be in the amount of $1,900,000 per tranche of the Qualified Bidder’s indicative offer at the maximum starting price. To be eligible to bid on the maximum number of tranches available in the BGS-RSCP Auction, the letter of intent to provide a guaranty or a letter of reference must be in the amount of $38,000,000. Alternatively, the Qualified Bidder can provide a BGS-RSCP Pre-Auction Letter of Credit for the full amount, namely $2,400,000 per tranche of the Qualified Bidder’s indicative offer at the maximum starting price. In this instance, to be eligible to bid on the maximum number of tranches available in the BGS-RSCP Auction, the BGS-RSCP Pre-Auction Letter of Credit must be increased by an additional $38,000,000
1/6/2025, in
Pre-Auction Security.
FAQ-96. Are two separate pre-auction letters of credit required for the BGS-CIEP and BGS-RSCP Auctions?
Yes. If participating in both the BGS-CIEP and BGS-RSCP Auctions, each Qualified Bidder, regardless of the creditworthiness evaluation of such Qualified Bidder, must provide separate pre-auction letters of credit with their Part 2 Application.
1/6/2025, in
Pre-Auction Security.
FAQ-95. Where can BGS Suppliers find information about obtaining Auction Revenue Rights ("ARRs")?
BGS Suppliers, when they purchase Network Transmission Service, can request Auction Revenue Rights ("ARRs"). The BGS Suppliers (and not the EDCs) are the LSEs in PJM and the transmission service customers. Therefore, there is no "transfer" of Auction Revenue Rights ("ARRs") from the EDC to the BGS Suppliers. ARRs allocated for the planning period are reassigned on a proportional basis within a zone as load switches between LSEs within the planning period.
Reference materials on the FTRs and ARRs, including information on their purpose and application, are available at the PJM FTR web page: https://www.pjm.com/markets-and-operations/ftr.
1/6/2025, in
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FAQ-94. If a Bidder is not a PJM LSE at the time of submitting the Part 1 Application, will the Bidder be required to demonstrate that it has become a PJM LSE by the time it submits the Part 2 Application?
By the time service begins, each BGS-RSCP Supplier and each BGS-CIEP Supplier must be (i) a member of PJM, (ii) must meet all applicable obligations that PJM ascribes to an LSE, and (iii) must be a signatory of the PJM Reliability Assurance Agreement as amended and/or superseded. In the Part 2 Application, a Qualified Bidder that, at the time of submission of the Part 1 Application, was not a member of PJM, did not meet all obligations that PJM ascribes to an LSE, and was not a signatory of the PJM Reliability Assurance Agreement will be required to provide evidence that either it has since satisfied requirements (i) – (iii) described above, or that it has submitted to PJM all documents required for enrollment to become a member of PJM including all documents required by PJM to meet all applicable obligations that PJM ascribes to an LSE, and that PJM has begun its review of said documents.
If the Qualified Bidder has, since submitting its Part 1 Application, become a PJM LSE, the Qualified Bidder will be required to provide with its Part 2 Application materials a copy of the signature page of the PJM Reliability Assurance Agreement and any name change documentation as applicable. If at the time of submitting the Part 2 Application the Qualified Bidder is still not yet a PJM member and PJM LSE, the Qualified Bidder will be required to provide evidence that PJM has started its review of the Qualified Bidder’s documents required for enrollment to become a member of PJM and a PJM LSE. Such evidence includes, but is not limited to, communication, such as an email, from PJM demonstrating that the Qualified Bidder has submitted to PJM all required documents needed to become a PJM LSE, and that PJM has begun its review of said documents.
12/20/2024, in
FAQ-93. Are the values for capacity PLA and transmission NSPL on the Monthly Data page of the BGS Auction site scaled for each EDC?
For JCP&L, the following file does not need to be adjusted by the applicable Daily Zonal Scaling Factors: Total Retail PLA. As of June 1, 2017, the following files should be adjusted by the applicable Daily Zonal Scaling Factors: Total BGS PLA, BGS-CIEP PLA, and BGS-RSCP PLA. As of September 1, 2022, the following files should be adjusted by the applicable Daily Zonal Scaling Factors: BGS-CIEP Eligible PLA and BGS-RSCP Eligible PLA. For purposing of scaling these values, JCP&L has provided a “CAP” Daily Zonal Scaling Factor data series for the capacity PLAs and a “NSPL” Daily Zonal Scaling Factor data series for the transmission NSPL values. Capacity PLA data and transmission NSPL values for all JCP&L data prior to June 1, 2017 are already scaled and do not need to be adjusted.
All Capacity PLA data for PSE&G, ACE, and RECO are not scaled and should be adjusted by the applicable Daily Zonal Scaling Factor. The transmission NSPL values are already scaled for PSE&G, ACE, and RECO and, as such, NSPL Daily Zonal Scaling Factor values are not provided.
12/19/2024, in
FAQ-92. How should excess generation be used to calculate load for JCP&L consistent with how JCP&L load is reported to PJM?
JCP&L has confirmed that beginning August 1, 2022, the excess generation data reported in the BGS Data Room does not need to be summed with the corresponding load data in order to develop JCP&L load data consistent with how JCP&L load is reported to PJM for settlements purposes.
For data prior to August 1, 2022, to develop JCP&L load data that is consistent with how JCP&L load has been reported to PJM for settlement purposes, sum the excess generation with the load reported in the BGS Data Room. This calculation can also be used to develop JCP&L total hourly BGS Load, JCP&L total retail hourly load, and BGS-CIEP hourly load net of excess generation. To develop BGS-RSCP hourly load (for data prior to August 1, 2022), first subtract the developed BGS-CIEP load data from the developed Total BGS load data, then sum this value with the Total Retail Hourly excess generation data.
12/19/2024, in
FAQ-91. Which email address should we use in Paragraph 12 of the Pre-Auction Letters of Credit?
The BGS Auction Manager’s email, BGS-Auction@nera.com, should be used in Paragraph 12 of the Pre-Auction Letters of Credit.
12/19/2024, in
Pre-Auction Security.
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FAQ-90. How should Pre-Auction Security documents, including the Pre-Auction Letter of Credit, Letter of Reference, Letter of Intent to Provide a Guaranty, and Bid Bond, be provided?
All Pre-Auction security documents are required to be transmitted only via electronic means to the Auction Manager at BGS-Auction@nera.com. Hardcopy Pre-Auction security documents will not be accepted.
12/19/2024, in
Application, Credit.
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