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REMINDER: Deadline for Foreign Entities to Provide Documents for EDC Review is Tuesday, December 3!

Foreign Applicants or Applicants relying on the financial standing of a foreign Guarantor (“Foreign Entities”) will be required to submit additional documents upon execution of the BGS-RSCP or BGS-CIEP Supplier Master Agreement as a condition of being granted an Independent Credit Threshold or a Credit Limit.  These additional documents are detailed in Article 6 of the Agreement.

Foreign Entities have the option, but not the obligation, to submit drafts of these documents for review by the EDCs by December 3, 2024.  The EDCs will provide their review by December 20, 2024 and Foreign Entities have the further option to provide revised draft documents for further review by the EDCs.  The schedule of events in this review process is included in the calendar posted to the BGS Auction website. 

If you intend to submit materials for review by the EDCs, such materials must be provided to the BGS Auction Manager by email to no later than 6 PM on December 3, 2024.  

Please submit any questions regarding this process through the ask a question page of the “contact us” tab.

November 18, 2024.

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